Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Buchanan Clan Bear---Sold! Another 5 Star Review for Hero of a Highland Wolf!

Buchanan Clan Bear (640x582)
Here is Buchanan Clan Bear and he’ll be off to his new home soon. He’s wearing the ancient plaid of the Buchanan. Working on Armstrong Clan Bear today and a Navy bear. I still have a stack of orders to get done. I’ve ordered tartan fabric for two more bears, blue fabric for 2 more, and another wants purple. :) Plus more. :)  Wilde & Woolly Bears

I only got 1,000 done on Call of the Cougar yesterday, but finished two Buchanan Clan bears, and am halfway done on an Armstrong Clan bear. :) I hope to get 2,000 done on Cougar today. I had an idea of the near end scene, but still 17,000 or so words to get there. I might just write the scene and then go back in and write the rest of the story to get there. Sometimes I have to do that because a scene will come to me that isn’t in the perfect linear order. I actually was sewing up bonnets for the three clan bears when it came to me. I had to stop what I was doing, and write them down. Or I’d forget it!

Thanks, Åsa Maria Bradley, for sharing this photo! Love it!!! This way it’s not just my word we ACTUALLY rode “home” in it. Had fun with you and Cheryl Brooks and Mia Marlowe Connie Mason! Cheryl is to the left of me. And I’m the one who is all smiles. Having a ball.

Cheryl Brooks and Terry Spear, photo by Asa Maria Bradley at SB dinner
But I’ve also been trying to come up with the plots for 3 more stories, and have one for a jaguar Christmas story, and just about have one for another SEAL wolf story, and then need to write another Silver wolf one.

Aloha On My Mind–Kim took a picture of several of us signing, which was really nice because I can’t take pictures of me and I never think to ask anyone! This is for Literacy and raised $53,000!

And another 5 star review!!!

I give this book 5 stars.
Well done, once again Terry Spear you have given us a book that kept me engrossed from the start to the finish, so much so that I read this book in one day. This is about an American woman that inherits a castle in Scotland from her family and a pack of Highland wolf shifters that live there.
Amazon –
Barnes and Noble – http://bit.ly/1il2cxw
iTunes – http://bit.ly/1n64Qsf
And I’m here with an interview at Authors Interviews!
watermelon crepe myrtle (640x464)
Watermelon crepe myrtle in full bloom.
crepe myrtle volunteers (640x402)
Two crepe myrtle volunteers in between the big ones. Everything is looking so colorful!
brown cornfields and crepe myrtles (640x427)
A view of the crepe myrtles, storm clouds, that didn’t rain, but at least made it cooler, and the cornfields, ready to be harvested. It sounded like the wind blowing through a forest the other day, or ocean waves, the way the wind blew through the dry cornstalks.
Off to get ready for the writing and bear-making day!
Have a super lovely day! It was only 87 yesterday, and it was beautiful. Supposed to be 100 or close to it most of next week. :(

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:


diva donna said...

Have a Super Day!! We're off to a Monarch Butterfly release. And a drive into Wisconsin.

Terry Spear said...

Ooooh, that sounds like fun! :) Have a super day! Finished the Armstrong Clan bear, and off to write. :)