Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Monday, August 04, 2014

Nature's Beauty

rainbow, trying to create (640x427)
Oftentimes when I water, I see the miracle of a rainbow forming in the sunlight, and I think how much I’d like to capture it. I absolutely had NOT planned to take pictures today. None. Not one. Okay, one. Of a rainbow. Well, maybe more, until I could capture one just right.

You see, rainbows are tricky devils. They fade just as you take the shot. Here I am, juggling the hose and the camera and trying to see if the rainbow is even in the picture. It was, but I couldn’t tell, or sometimes it would fade right out of existence before the camera finished focusing.
rainbow with hose (2) (640x427)
rainbow over the cornfields (640x427)
The top one shows more of the rainbow. The second one, the rainbow at the top had nearly disappeared already.
You know that a pot of gold is at the end of a rainbow, right? But would it exist if you create your own?
creeping vine hummingbirds (640x427)
Wolves and cougars have been found to help keep a balance in the wild or animals such as herbivores, elk, deer, goats, will eat up the vegetation to the ground, and then other wildlife can’t take cover and lose their habitats. And what has that to do with these pretty flowers? While I was out watering the other day, I saw these bad, bad flowering vines. They are weeds. They creep over everything and in this case, they’re climbing over a variegated privet, pictured above with the rainbow. But twice now when I’ve gone out to water, a hummingbird has flown close to my water spray. And I thought she was coming from the cornfields, which I couldn’t understand. Unless my neighbor has a hummingbird feeder.

But no, she’s coming for the nectar from these flowers. Sometimes “weeds” are miracles in disguise.
creeping vine, tubular flower (640x427)
Hummingbirds love tubular flowers.
creeping vine waterdroplets (640x427)
Nature’s hummingbird feeder.
desert willow flower (640x433)
Desert Willow

I planted these because they don’t mind heat and drought, only now they’re not flowering. But the hummingbirds are attracted to them when they do flower.

So the weed, which seems to be more reliable,  stays. Sometimes humans just need to leave nature alone.

Don’t you agree?

Now, if I could only capture a shot of the hummingbird!

Have a glorious Monday!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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