Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Love is Enduring

A while ago, I saw a posting where a woman showed off her lovely roses that had dried up, no longer bright and cheerful, blushing with new color. They were aged and beautiful in their own right.
The leaves and the purple flowers have held their colors, the roses are fading into an antiqued look. These are my birthday flowers from my son–two weeks old And to me, they are as pretty as ever, in an antiqued kind of way.

dried mother day roses1 (640x559)

My parents' gift to me copy
My parents are long gone, but like the flowers they sent to me when my daughter was born, they live on forever. My father didn’t give my mother bouquets of flowers. They didn’t last long for the money spent on them, she’d say. But these are well over two decades old and have made moves twice, and yet, they still are beautiful, a special gift I will treasure always. Love is everlasting.

AND!!!! I finished A SEAL Wolf for Sale! Had a few loose ends to tie up and now it's off!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Jaguar Family
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diva donna said...

That's just beautiful. How did you preserve them. That you can keep them forever? So that Wolf for Sale will hit the shelves next April. Good timing.

Terry Spear said...

I didn't do anything with them. They'll be 27 years old in November! :)

Right, on SEAL Wolf for Sale, working now on Her Highland Hero. :)