Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Friday, October 17, 2014

Have You Ever Been to a Renaissance Fair? & Wolf Awareness Week Continues!

Going to a Renaissance Fair in Texas can be challenging–clothes wise.  You’re trying to dress up in period clothes and its HOT!
Anyway, my son-in-law is dressing up for the first time, and I’m excited. I’m wearing cooler. :)  I just throw some stuff together. We don’t go to them enough to pay a lot of money on costumes and I had a few things from some other events I wore, so should work. It’s the fantasy theme, so that should be fun.
Denali, Bolz, and Luna at fence where workers were doing something
Denali, Bolz, and Luna at fence where workers were doing something
Curious and interested in what was going on. Food maybe? They were fed once a week like they would be fed in the wild.
Wolf behind purple leaves
Wolf behind purple leaves
And it’s fun time with bears!
Sherbert bear on fur
Sherbert bear on fur
Feather Bear Large
Feather Bear Large
Feather Bear Small
Feather Bear Small
And pictures from the Renaissance Fair we went to a few years back. :)
KnightfightingRenn Faire 002 (480x640) Jenn2 (480x640)Renn Faire 003 (480x640)
Okay, off to work. Got Jaguar Pride final proof to review back and more beta reader critiques for A Silver Wolf Christmas, and more bear orders, and what am I doing playing around with pictures again???

I did turn in SEAL Wolf Hunting!

Have a great Friday! Happy TGIF!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears


diva donna said...

Cute pics. What're you doing playing around with pics , with so much work to do?I hope you're having fun. I thought of you all day. The colors are so bright along the St. Croix.

Terry Spear said...

LOL, I agree! Too much goofing off. I've been working on bears though, and I am working on more of going through Jaguar Pride. On ch 3 now. :) I wish I could have been in 2 places at once--with you at the chocolate fun, and here at the Ren Festival fun. :)