Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Life of a Cornfield

From new baby corn.
corn field new (312x640)
To fully grown corn.
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To golden corn.
sunflowers among the cornstalks (640x427)
To really dead corn. I took this right before they cut it down yesterday. And I thought it looked perfect for Halloween.
cornfields, haunted style 006 (640x427)
To all gone corn.
cornfields cut down 006 (640x427) copy
And I caught a bunny and the sunrise this morning while taking the pictures of the cornfield harvest. Note my yard is littered with corn!
cornfields cut down 004 (640x437)
cornfields cut down 005 (640x427)
Dry cornfields can be a fire hazard. And yet, it was kind of nice having my "forest" of cornstalks surrounding the place. Nice and private from my neighbors and the traffic along the road. And though we don't have a lot of noise out here, what little we do have was also absorbed by the cornstalks. It also provided cover for the wildlife. So now...it's just earth again. Or it will be when they finish plowing the fields.

And that is the life of a cornstalk field. They don't plant it often, so it was fun having it for a change.
Off to write and make bears. Another order! Got my word count on Cougar, but long way to go before it's actually finished.

Have a super lovely weekend!

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears

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