Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Renovating, Wildflowers, a Red Dragon Bear, and a Sunset

I made up this bear for an order and have enough fabric to make one more, but it’s also sold now. 
Sunset over Texas
Red Dragon Bear
Lovely Texas Sunset last night.
red bear 004 (640x427)
Wildflowers and Roses still blooming.
A rose
A rose
Purple Wildflowers
Purple Wildflowers
Old Kitchen, Stove went out
Old Kitchen, Stove went out
This shows the old tile in the kitchen.
tile in kitchen before grout
tile in kitchen before grout
old window in kitchen
old window in kitchen
Kitchen window, ice on inside
Kitchen window, ice on inside

This was why I had to change out the window. Besides the wind blowing straight through it and feeling the cold air seeping through the single pane window, I had ice built up on the inside of the window last winter!

new kitchen with the new tile and window
new kitchen with the new tile and window–still needs grout.

All these renovations have taken place over the years. But it sure is nice getting them done.
Off to work on stuff.  I’m way behind on Phantom Fae. Too much distraction with the workmen here.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. :)

I think the kitchen has a much warmer appeal than it had before.  What do you think?

Have a super lovely Tuesday!!!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears


diva donna said...

I love the Dragon Bear. And all the Remodels. It's all to believe you had ice on your windows. It will be a warm winter for you this year. No drafts.

Terry Spear said...

Thanks, Donna! :) Yeah, I agree. It will be much warmer. I'm looking forward to it. Working on the 2nd dragon bear order. Have another too. :)