Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Morning Pictures–and the feel of the Paranormal

I “finished” writing A Silver Wolf Christmas, which means I’m still working on revisions, but it’s done! And so I worked on bears, still have about 20 to go but here is a picture of the 9 headless bears! They’re stuffed, and some of the arms and legs are closed. I’ll finish the rest tonight, and sew heads. :)
headless bears 001 (640x434)
To go along with headless bears and the look of Halloween, the paranormal, etc., here is a picture of the full moon this morning!
full moon (640x524) copy
And if that wasn’t enough, my chewed up pistachio, but it’s kind of hard to show that the grasshoppers are devouring it.
chewed up pistachio 003 (427x640)
And a really cool picture of a spiderweb, perfect for that Halloween look.
spiderweb (640x427) (2)
And I started re-reading Call of the Cougar, so hopefully I can finish writing that in the next couple of weeks and edit it too.
Off to ship bears!
Have a super great, wait, got to get the garbage out Wednesday!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears


diva donna said...

The sun finally came out. It was feeling like doom and gloom and something out a paranormal movie here. It looks like fall. The rain brought down leaves. You have lots to do yet. You have 18 days. Unless your extra suitcase will have headless bears in it.

Terry Spear said...

LOL on your paranormal weather. We're supposed to have rain later this afternoon, at least I'm hopeful. Too funny about the headless bears. Working on them. Rereading Call of the Cougar right now. 15,000 words to go. :)