Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Monday, August 18, 2014

Whimisical Is Fun! New Rainbow Bear!

Rainbow Bear
Rainbow Bear
Confetti Bear
Confetti Bear

It’s fun to create just fun bears. Most want the typical light brown or blonde or dark brown bear and that’s fun too. But for me, like with writing, I like some variety in my life. So when I saw this rainbow fur fabric, I wondered how it would look.

But first I had to get my word count done. 3,000 words to reach 20,000. But then storms hit the area (that weren’t supposed to, like 0% chance of rain), the Internet went out, and came back on and right in the middle of writing, the electricity went off.

Disaster. So, I couldn’t write on the computer, didn’t want to write by hand, and made Rainbow Bear up with the new fabric. Confetti Bear fur has been discontinued, so I have just 2 left of that bear.

Sometimes storms just get in the way.

“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears


diva donna said...

FUN!!! I have to call them Rainbow Cotton Candy Circus Bears. No self respecting straight Bear shifters will be caught in the woods in it.. LOL!!! See red sky in the morning. Sailors take the warning and get out of the coming storms.

Terry Spear said...

Yeah, but that sky didn't happen the morning it rained. :) LOL

Rainbow Cotton Candy Circus Bears. That's cute. :) Love it.