Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Sunday, August 17, 2014

When Sun Meets Moon

I was out watering when I saw this beautiful sunrise. Now, I could say these are reeds in front of a beautiful lake, or on sand dunes in front of the ocean and off in the distance is a small island. Or I could tell the truth and say it’s a field of burned up corn (as in dried out, not blackened) and the acres beyond that right before the sun makes it’s appearance.
sunrise and clouds (2) (640x427)
And here it is, just peeking out. And right directly overhead of where I was standing, was the moon. So the sun was chasing the moon. Don’t you love the difference between the brilliant orange of the sun, the burning hot clouds and sky and the cool blue sky, soft snowy clouds, and snowy moon?
moon half (640x427)The clouds were soft, windswept high, high in the sky.

And finished making the bears for a special order. Still need to embroider their paws. :)
Mama Blue and Baby Blue Bears
Mama Blue and Baby Blue Bears
Off to get word count! Have a super great Sunday!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears


diva donna said...

I didn't see this beautiful Sunday coming up. Gorgeous.

Terry Spear said...

Thanks, Donna! I was doing my usual, watering, and saw it. With the clouds behind it, it was truly beautiful. :)