Title and Description

Terry Spear--USA Today Bestselling Author of Urban Fantasy Romance, Medieval Highland Romances, and Paranormal Young Adult Romance

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Austin and Shop with Jaguar Carpeting

austin (640x573)I have a million and one things to do today–not that I’m going to get them all done, but I’m going to work on it, so I wanted to share a couple of pictures of Austin and then I’m off here and working! I realized I just had an audiobook pop up for final approval for the Mage of Monrovia also! So no time to play with pictures. Although I did anyway. :)
austin congress (640x427) (2)
At least yesterday, I posted all my last blog blitz tour stuff and I made all the changes to Jaguar Pride that I needed to. Now, I have to reread the whole book and make sure that it all sounds right!
Austin capital and skyline (640x332)The capital is way off in the distance in this picture.
store jaguar carpeting (640x427)And a cool antique/art store at The Oasis, where they had jaguar carpeting, so I had to take a picture. You see? Jaguar fits everywhere! :)
Have a super lovely Tuesday!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
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diva donna said...

Cool Beans. Did you take the number or name of the Carpet dealer? Just in case you decide to re carpet your writing corner.

Terry Spear said...

cute idea! But then I couldn't see the jaguars roaming the floor!!!