the job.
But I finally got some things done--replaced some windows and I'm so happy with them. The winds would blow my blinds around! And no, I didn't have my windows open for that to happen. The heat on the south side of the house would come through the windows, not noticed before, but once I moved my computer desk next to them, it was noticeable. Plus I worried about all the dust and dirt that constantly blew in from the fields surrounding me.
So, I finally ordered new windows. They are GREAT!
It's already been in the 90's and I only turned on a ceiling fan for a short while later yesterday afternoon, the house staying cool. If you touch the window on the outside, it's hot, but on the inside, it's cool. Yes!!! I feel like I'm in my castle now, with 6 foot wide walls that are keeping the cold and heat out.
My next project was to have a door removed and replace it with a wall. The guys did an excellent job. It was the door to the outside to the laundry room, but when my parents added on to the house, another door was built that was the only one any of us used. The other had become obsolete. And I constantly had to clean up dirt and debris at the bottom of it, even though it had a storm door also. So they took care of that and now I have a wall instead of 3 doors going into the small laundry room. And no way for snakes to get in there. I also replaced the dryer vent outdoor flap. The top one had broken off, but if a snake, or two, had come in that way, they'd have had to have gone into the dryer.
Of course, I don't really know where the snakes came in from. I only know they ended up with me in the living room. :)
But despite my road runner abandoning me, I'm feeling more secure. :)
It might be false security, but hopefully I've plugged up some of the bug holes also this way. You see, I've had a ton of flies get into the house. And hornets. And well, just about everything. I'm not leaving doors open. So hopefully, these changes will keep the bugs and critters at bay.
I'm doing my usual balancing act.
A fun show outside a restaurant at Disney World.
I have another conference to go to. I'm trying to finish up A SEAL Wolf for Sale, had a breakthrough on how to fix something that wasn't working for me, but still have 9,000 words to go. Hope to have finished writing it by Friday. And then spend a another couple of weeks editing it.
I have another blog tour coming up, which means I have to write tons more guest blogs and I'm not ready for that again. That's for Jaguar Hunt coming June 4.
I just received Scepter of Salvation audiobook to review, reviewed, takes at least 2 days and then sent back editing changes, narrator made the changes and then I approved it, paid her and it's up for review. But at the same time I got the revisions back, The Winged Fae came in for review. So I'm halfway done on that one. Though I had hoped to be working strictly on A SEAL Wolf for Sale all week.
So it's a balancing act. Which has priority? In this case, all do.
So that's it! I'll take pictures of the new windows when I can find a picture of the old window to show a comparison to. :) I don't think I had one of the laundry room door. *sigh* I should always take before and after pictures, reminder to self.
Off to finish up The Winged Fae, and then it's back to A SEAL Wolf For Sale.
Have a brilliantly fun Monday. Do you ever feel things are a balancing act? I set my priorities and it all gets done. What about you?
"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality."
OH MY!! I love all your improvements. You're making me dizzy, just thinking about your to do list. I must go out and start pulling out my yard decorations that I must always store do to bad Winter weather. So I must pull the GNOMES out of hiding. And locate the faeries in their realm and see if they will come visit me again and frolic in my gardens. And find the fountain and the Garden globe and bring it out too. And hope some of the tulips start to bloom soon. So you keep busy, and I will too. Sorry about your Roadrunner. Maybe She's sitting on a nest, tending her young. I hope he or she comes home. Get to work.
LOL, well, it was way past time to do them. Kitchen window is next on the agenda. Then I need to replace the carpeting. :)
That's awful on the bad weather stuff. If I had to haul stuff in and out, I'd never get anything done. :(
Can't wait to see your tulips! On the road runner, yes. That's what I believe. She has found HEA. :) Can't wait to see your fairy door too! :) Okay, off to do guest blogs for the upcoming tour. :)
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