I always put my books up everywhere, but sometimes it just takes
longer for the other vendors to set up the page. So it’s up! No
description or anything, sigh, but it’s got a pretty picture–the cover,
the 99 cent USD price and a button to PREORDER it! Still working on iBooks.

Barnes and Noble:
Cougar shifter, Dr. Kate Parker, is planning her annual camping vacation
alone this year. She runs into trouble before she even starts her trip
in the form of one wounded, hot cougar undercover cop—or so he says.
He’s not going along with just her tender loving care because he came
into town as a cougar, and he needs her help to get him back to where he
can take up the search to look for an arms dealer, who just happens to
be a cougar too.
Leyton Hill slipped into the unlocked, darkened clinic, figuring his
luck had just changed. Except he doesn’t plan for the good doctor to be
napping in her office. Taking him on her vacation wasn’t in the plan,
and taking her hostage, hadn’t been either, but now she’s stuck with him
until he can get back to his mission and the chase at hand. It appears
the roles have reversed and who’s holding whom hostage now?
I took the pictures of the cougar in Omaha. It was amazing
that he was so close to the fence and stayed there. Usually jaguars are
sleeping in spots hard to see or pacing.

Cougar’s expression, listening, relaxed

Cougars ears back, supposed to mean aggression, annoyance

ears to side, they have over two dozen muscles in their ears that help
them to focus on sounds and show their expressions
Have a super wonderful day. I’m so excited! It’s up, it’s up, it’s
up! And I didn’t make a mistake in getting it up there! I was beginning
to wonder!
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy is reality.”
Connect with Terry Spear:
Wilde & Woolly Bears